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Projects: All-in-One Modules








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Why tinkering with wires, when one can have all together (so that it will not fall apart)?

All-in-One (AiO) Trainers

The All-in-One Trainer Type 1

  • Atmel ATmega1281. 5 V supply, 5 V signalization.
  • OLED Display 128  * 64 pixels.
  • 32 IOs, freely available.
  • 2 serial interfaces. 5 V signalization. One of the interfaces with built-in USB converter.
  • 3 pushbuttons, 1 incremental encoder, 2 sense switches, 4-directional switch with center push.
  • 2-color-LED, piezo buzzer.

The All-in-One Trainer Type 2 -- Dual Screen, Dual Processor

  • Service processor (SVP): Atmel Xmega64A3U.
  • I/O processor (IOP): Atmel Xmega 16A4U.
  • 5 V supply. 3.3 V signalization.
  • 2 OLED displays 128 * 64 pixels.
  • IOP supports 30 IO signals, freely available.
  • 2 serial interfaces. 5 V signalization. One of the interfaces with built-in USB converter.
  • 3 pushbuttons, 1 incremental encoder, 2 sense switches, 4-directional switch with center push.
  • 2-color-LED, piezo buzzer.
  • Keypad with 12 keys.
  • Bluetooth module.

An experimental AiO platform

The precursor of the AiO Trainer Type 1. Contains only the I/O components. Requires a microcontroller module to be attached.








April 13, 2016

Web page updated.